10 Things to do in the Morning

The first thing in the morning, “Drink a Full glass of Water.” This will improve your metabolism. 

“Meditate yourself for next 10-15 minutes.” Meditation will build skills to manage your stress. 

“Do workout or exercise for 15 minutes.” Morning exercise will make you healthier. 

“Next 2 minutes, think about your parents.” In your thought, thank your parents for everything they have done in your life. 

“Next 5 minutes, walk in the garden bare foot.” Bare foot walking improves immunity and mental well-being. 

“Feel the rays of Sun for 2 minutes.” Morning sunlight makes you healthier and enjoyable. 

“Next 10 minutes listen to relaxing music.” This will reduce stress and increase your concentration. 

“Eat Healthy Breakfast.” This will help your heart, digestion, bones and improve your concentration and focus. 

“Make your day checklist.” This will improve your productivity, creativity, and motivation. 

“Pray for your loved ones.” Pray for your parents, wife, children’s and people who you care for.