Since there is a surge in criminal organizations smuggling migrants by Train, the Texas-Mexico Border is Closed.

Two Railroad Bridges between Texas and Mexico are now Closed.

US Customs and Broder Protection (CBP) have also closed a port of entry in Lukeville, Arizona.

This is a pedestrian crossing in San Diego and a vehicle crossing in Eagle Pass, Texas.

It was a nightmare for both sides people as they were crossing the border every day for school and work.

The shutdown of the border will impact business on both sides.

Every minute delay in goods and services is close to a one million dollar revenue loss to the American Economy.

Vital commodities in agriculture, automotive parts and automobiles, and customer electronics come to US from Mexico by Rail.

U.S. Border Patrol team has arrested 10,800 migrants on 18th Dec at the SouthWest border.

As per reports, 120,000 migrants arrive every year in the US from Mexico.

US officials are in talks with the Mexican Government to resolve this border shutdown issue.